Words and Things

A montreal paul's electronic scrapbook- thoughts gathered together may end up having their meetings reported on here.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Went back to work today. It was OK- well, not normal, it felt strange, but it felt good to see my collegues again and we were able to talk about things. I didn't get much work done though. I'm still very scattered. Also, during a meeting at the nearby Atwater library, I started to tense up when I heard helicopters. The media coverged on Dawson today, and the police were also out in force. One remarkable thing was that a whole crowd of students actually made a point of walking into the college through the main de Maisonneuve entrance at 12:41 PM, the time when the shooter entered last Wednesday. It was a way of reclaiming the space that had been so cruelly violated.

Yesterday morning I joined the Head & Hands team in the Walk for Life, in support of their sex ed program. I've volunteered for them off and on for three years. It was another chance to see friends and talk- and walk. I hope that they'll soon be able to send me the photo they took of me so I can post it here. The afternoon was warm and beautiful so I did more walking on my own then.


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