Words and Things

A montreal paul's electronic scrapbook- thoughts gathered together may end up having their meetings reported on here.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

So There IS a Logic to it After All! / Thoughts on Halloween

"Bush keeps saying the terrorists hate us for our freedom. And he's working damn hard to see that pretty soon that won't be a problem."- Bill Maher

See http://www.hbo.com/billmaher/new_rules/20061027.html) for more from his monologue, which also touches on women wearing "sexy" costumes on Halloween. I've been so out of touch on the latest in Halloween costume fashions- first I heard of this was from One Female Canuck! (see Are you a Picasso?)

Halloween? Bah, Hambug!

No, but really- my roomate told me that he paid over $200 for his Halloween costume this year! From his perspective, I suppose his investment "paid off"- his costume won a prize at a party. From my perspective, things like Halloween should be occasions for having fun, not feeling pressured to spend large amounts of money trying to outdo other people- and it seems to me that the sexy costumes are just another example of that. I mean, it's fine if somebody wants to express his or her sexuality, but when people decide that they need to project "sexiness" just to please others or conform with others, it seems to me that that is not true self-expression, and definately not liberating.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe Bill Maher stole my material! DAMN HIM! :o)

or maybe I should say: F*ck, I hate agreeing with that guy...although often times I do (except on the issue of Palestine and them other folks, the Muslims).

I was listening to the radio the other day and they said that North American idiots spend over 1 billion on Halloween shit. Wow.



I wish people spent that kind of money on charity...

great post, Paul.


11:54 PM  

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