Words and Things

A montreal paul's electronic scrapbook- thoughts gathered together may end up having their meetings reported on here.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Our Nationhood, Forged On the Anvil of Battle...

...or so many in the media would have us believe. For you see, we won the Battle of Vimy Ridge 70 years ago! Isn't that wonderful? Canada won a battle in a real war! Ah, those were the days when Canada could aspire to be a true warrior nation - a time when men were men, blowing each other to bits and pieces - before all this "peacekeeping" nonsense became ingrained in the Canadian psyche. And now in Afghanistan we have the chance to be a warrior nation once more, provided that those socialist sissies don't ruin everything by saying that we aren't just killing evildoers. Sssshh! O Canada! The True North Strong and Free! God bless Canada. God damn the enemy. Pass the ammunition.

"If you can't stand in front of our soldiers, at least get behind them", says Stephen Harper. Thousands of miles behind at last count, but as we all know, Stephen Harper is looking forward to leading his troops into an election campaign, not a military campaign against the Taliban. Yet in his own way, Harper is fighting his own war against capital E Evil, isn't he? I mean, of course, the Evils of the corrupt Liberals who play politics while he governs. Mind you, being in opposition, the Liberals are in no position to govern, but anyway, Harper proclaims that he is governing and is way above crassly Machievellian political machinations such as giving a "gift" budget to Quebecers in the middle of our election campaign and saying that more will come if we vote the right way. It must have been our imaginations.


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