Words and Things

A montreal paul's electronic scrapbook- thoughts gathered together may end up having their meetings reported on here.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

So Many Montreal Pauls Listed

Different parts of my life come together in interesting ways. For instance, my friend David-Jan and his playback troupe performed at a conference we had at work a couple of weeks ago. Also in that troupe was Mira, who took part with me in "The Dictatorship of Debt", a dinner theatre on global economic (in)justice that ran in early February. (I also do the dinner theatre in French. Here's a photo from one of those performances).

Also in the playback troupe (but not there when they played the conference) was Chu-Lynne, who I met I met at the French Immersion in Trois-Pistoles last spring and who I ran into on a Montreal street a couple of weeks later (I didn't know she was a Montrealer!).

Last Saturday I was in the mood to enjoy the rain when it came down- it was a time when I didn’t mind getting soaked. In fact, it was the most joyful I’d been in some time. Later, I went to a workshop & party at David-Jan’s, and was surprised to run into another friend, Nikki. She wasn’t so surprised. She said there were so many Pauls on the invitation list, and “I figured one of them had to be you.”


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